Thursday, March 6, 2008

Education in Sweden

Ackermann CollegeThe Ackermann Institute is a well-known alternative-medicine institute in Sweden, founded in 1968. provide healthcare with regard to the vertebral column and to further develop our research knowledge that rests securely on 40 years of clinical experience. The institute has wide-ranging competence that has been recognized worldwide.
Chalmers University of TechnologyChalmers is a university of technology with solid roots in the sciences. Our inspiration lies in the joy of discovery and the desire to learn. Its aim is to make an active contribution to sustainable development, both in Sweden and beyond.
Göteborg UniversityGöteborg University College was established in 1891 with the help of private donations.Today Göteborg University can offer the most comprehensive range of courses and degree programmes in Sweden.
Högskolan i BoråsUCB is as much a research establishment as it is an academic, teaching institution. In keeping with the expansion in student numbers, research activity at UCB has expanded tremendously during the last few years.
IHM Business SchoolIHM Business School was founded in 1968 and offers today advanced business programmes in Marketing, Leadership, Communication and Economics for enterprises and professionals that want to develop in the business community.
Institute of International Educationhe Institute of International Education (IIE) is one of the few institutes in the Nordic countries specializing in international and comparative education. After more than thirty years in this field, IIE is now well recognized for its contribution to research and training.
Karolinska InstitutetKarolinska Institutet is one of Europe's largest medical universities. It is also Sweden´s largest centre for medical training and research, accounting for 30 per cent of the medical training and 40 per cent of the medical academic research that is conducted nationwide.
Kungl Tekniska Högskolan - Royal Institute of TechnologyEDUCATION Studies at KTH are organised in study programmes. In addition to the regular MSc programmes in engineering and architecture there are a variety of BSc programmes as well as MSc programmes in English for international students.
Linköping UniversityThe university has developed several unique educational programmes that transcend traditional academic borders. This approach was manifested in the creation of Sweden’s first MSc programme in Industrial Management and Engineering.
Luleå Tekniska UniversitetIt has taken us 30 years to develop the Luleå spirit. During that period of time the University has significantly transformed its status - from having been the northernmost (and smallest) institute of technology in Sweden, to becoming the first university of technology in Sweden.
Lund UniversityLund University was founded in 1666. With eight faculties and a multitude of research centres and specialized institutes, it is today the largest unit for research and higher education in Sweden.
Mid Sweden UniversityMid Sweden University was founded ten years ago through the merging of two smaller universities in the region.Like all universities it provide higher education of a high standard undergraduate-, and post-graduate studies and in research.
Mälardalen UniversityMIMA is the centre for Master studies at Mälardalen University. It offers a variety of Swedish Master Degree programs taught in English.
Royal University-College of MusicTHE ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC (KMH) offers Scandinavia's most comprehensive array of music study programmes. We pride ourselves on being a meeting point for art music old and new, jazz, folk music and other forms of music from many different parts of the world.
SLU UmeåSLU has extensive cooperation with universities in the Nordic countries, in the rest of Europe and in other parts of the world. At the undergraduate level, SLU participates in ERASMUS and NORDPLUS, the exchange programmes within the European Union and the Nordic countries. The university also has bilateral exchange agreements with many universities throughout the world.
Stockholm School of EconomicsSSE is a private university with very little dependence on government support (about 10 percent of total revenue per annum) that trains young and mid-career women and men for leading positions in both the private and public sectors.
Stockholm UniversityStockholm University is a centre for higher education and research, organised into four faculties: natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and law.
Sveriges LantbruksuniversitetSLU develops the understanding and sustainable use of biological natural resources.This is achieved through research, teaching, environmental monitoring and assessment and information extension.
Swedish Institute of Agricultural Engineering (JTI)The Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (JTI) is a collective resource for research, development, and information within the areas of agriculture, environmental conservation, energy production, and waste management.
University of Karlskrona/Ronneby (Blekinge Institute of Technology)It is the most distinctly profiled university in Sweden, with a clear focus on Applied IT and Sustainable Development of Industry and Society.At Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) education and research are of a very high international standard and learning is the focal point for student, teacher and researcher alike.
University of SkövdeThe University of Skövde, established 1977, is one of the newer and younger universities in Sweden - and youth is often coupled with excitement for the new and different, curiosity, energy and a genuine interest in further developing our educational environment.
University of Trollhattan/UddevallaHTU, a university located on the west coast of south-central Sweden. HTU offers a wide range of courses and study programmes within science and technology, nursing and health sciences, social and behavioural sciences, information technology and computer science, language studies and teacher training
University of UmeåBeside the numerous departments and centres, the University also has seven colleges. The Umeå School of Business and Economics is based on a unique co-operation between the Departments of Business Administration, Economics, Legal Science and Statistics.
Uppsala UniversityIt is a International research frontiers and tradition-drenched student activities, Modern campuses and living cultural settings Breadth, diversity, and dynamism with a venerable tradition of knowledge Undergraduate programs in research environments
Växjö UniversityVäxjö University – the second largest university in southern Sweden with more than 15,000 students – is well known for its strong international profile.

Posted by: Adnan

Education is Switzerland

Basel School of DesignFor the past thirty years, the Basel School of Design in Basel, Switzerland, has had an enormous influence on international graphic art and design.
Biel School of EngineeringThe Biel School of Engineering and Architecture is a member of the Berner Fachhochschule (University of applied sciences) and, as such, part of the Swiss Professional Education System (Berufsbildung).
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)Offers education in the following areas such as Natural environment, architectural and built, Data processing and communications, Basic sciences, Sciences and technology of the engineer, Life sciences, College of humanities, College of the Management of Technology
European Graduate School (EGS)The European Graduate School EGS Media and Communications program, facilitating creative breakthroughs and theoretical paradigm shifts, brings together master's and doctoral students with the visionaries and philosophers of the media world who inspire learning about art, philosophy, communications, film, literature, internet, web and cyberspace studies from a cross-disciplinary perspective.
Franklin CollegeFranklin College courses usually carry three credits. Academic Travel and On-Campus Seminars carry one credit each. The Bachelor of Arts degree program requires 126 credits to graduate; the Associate of Arts degree program requires 64 credits to graduate.
Graduate Institute of International StudiesHEI is an instruction and academic research center recognized on an international scale. It is a center of expertise and a place for acquiring and exchanging high-level information. HEI also provides undergraduate instruction, administered jointly with the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (SES) of the University of Geneva.
Haute école valaisanneOffers various under graduate and post graduat ecourses in Biotechnologies, Chemical, Electrical, Economics, Tourism, Mechanism etc.,
Institute for Organization and Human Resource ManagementInstitute for organization and personnel (IOP) is scientifically independent Institut of the University of Berne, which is both national and internationally aligned. The IOP promotes European and global thinking.
International Institute for Management Development (IMD)IMD is one of the world’s leading business schools with over 50 years’ experience in developing the leadership capabilities of international business executives at every stage of their careers. The majority of our program participants come from medium to large corporations and all have an international orientation to their businesses.
International University in GenevaInternational University in Geneva proposes undergraduate and graduate programs in Business Administration, International Relations and Media and Communication. An undergraduate concentration in Computer Information Systems is offered.
Lemania CollegeOffers Language Courses, Summer courses in French / English, Commercial and Management Courses and modern english courses such as German, English, Italian, Spanish, Arabic
NTB: Interstaatliche Ingenieurschule Neu-Technikum BuchsThe NTB is dedicated to holistic engineering education. Thus, it offers a single, unique study course: Systems Engineering. This is a three-year application-oriented program leading to a Bachelor of Engineering degree. The NTB's study program is based on a modular structure with increasing flexibility. In
Robert Kennedy UniversityRobert Kennedy College is Switzerland's premier private College entirely dedicated to graduate and executive education. The College was founded in 1998, and has developed a unique expertise in technology-enhanced education.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich is a science and technology university with an outstanding research record.Excellent research conditions, state-of-the-art infrastructure and an attractive urban environment add up to the ideal setting for creative personalities.
Swiss Institute for Art ResearchIt is one of the famous Institute of Arts offers various courses in arts and conduct various researches in it
Universita della Svizzera ItalianaOffers education through the following faculties such as Architecture, Communication Sciences, Economics and Informatics
Universite de GeneveThe University of Geneva is the second largest university in Switzerland and is a public institution of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. It pursues three missions Teaching (classes are, in general, taught in French), research, and service to the wider community.
University IFMUNIVERSITY IFM Geneva is a private university located in the heart of the beautiful city of Geneva in Switzerland. The university offers accredited undergraduate (Bachelor) and graduate (Master) programs. IFM provides an international, dynamic and pragmatic approach to studies.
University of BaselOffers education through Theological faculty, legal faculty, medical faculty, philosophical, historical faculty , philosophical, scientific faculty, economiceconomics faculty, faculty for psychology
University of BerneOffers education through the following faculties such as Christian-catholic and Evangelist theology, Jurisprudence, Economics and social science, Medicine, Veterinary medicine, Philosophical-historical faculty, Philosophical-scientific faculty
University of FribourgUniversity of Fribourg Switzerland is unique for its bilinguism (French-German), its international character and its friendly atmosphere. The University’s teaching and research are informed by a profound sense of ethical principles.
University of LausanneOffers various arts and science courses such as earth science, Geology etc.,
University of NeuchatelOffers eduation through the following faculties such as Ethnology, Geography, French Language and Civilization Summer Course in French Language and Civilization, History, Art History, Journalism, Dialectology, French Literature
University of St. Gallenoffer a holistic curriculum that conforms to the highest scholarly and practical standards; intend to become one of the foremost international research centers in specific academic areas; aspire to be recognized as the leading institution in Continuing Education in German-speaking Europe;
Universität ZürichFaculty of Theology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Medicine, Vetsuisse Faculty, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science
Victoria University EuropeVictoria University is located in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. VicU was formed with the initiative of leading academia from University of Neuchâtel and World Trade Institute supported by the Development Economic.

Posted by: Adnan

Education in SPAIN

CETTUniversity Studies inTourism at The Euht CETT. The Degree in tourism produces professionals specialised in the management of tourist businesses, hostelry and restaurants as well as travel agencies and other undertakings related to the world of tourism and leisure in general.
Colegio Oficial de Medicos de Santa Cruz de TenerifeThis School is a Corporation of Public Right, founded on 1898 that associates and represents the Doctors of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife to guard by the good exercise of the profession, to advise to the Powers Public on the subjects its competition and to defend the professional rights of the Doctors
Departamento de Fisica de la Materia CondensadaOffers General Physics, Experimental techniques in Physics, Mechanics and Waves, Thermodynamics, Experimental Techniques I, Thermal Physics, Dynamics of Systems, Optics, Experimental Techniques II and Optical Processes
Departamento de Tecnología ElectrónicaOffer education through school of Industrial Engineers, school of Engineers of Telecommunication, school of Engineers of Mines, school of Computer science and school of Industrial Technical Engineers
ESADEESADE today is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Its business school appears among those boasting the greatest relevance in Europe and the world, and it is one of the few to have been accredited by the main international assessment institutions
Escuela Superior de Artes y Espectaculos TAIThe TAI School has been training professionals for twenty-nine years, accumulating experience that is embodied in a distinctive teaching style, with internationally recognised prestige.Humanistic and technical training in the ARTS that fosters the student’s creative imagination, cultivating personal expression and unveiling an ORIGINAL AUTHOR.
Facultad de Informática (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)Offers Architecture and Technology of Computer science Systems, Artificial intelligence, Computer science languages and Systems and Software engineering and Mathematical Applied
Institute for Executive Development (IEDE)IEDE´s International MBA represents all you can expect from a programme and from a school of world-wide reputation. Our presence in Latin America since 1994 through our headquarters in Santiago de Chile and our strategic position in the centre of Shanghai represents a new and exclusive MBA offering access to Hispanic-European, Chinese-Asian and Latin American cultural dimensions.
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Canary Island, Spain)Apart from its scientific research, the IAC is also an advanced technology centre, where scientific-technical and other applications of general use are developed in the IAC´s Instrumentation Division.
Laboratorio de Anatomia AnimalOffers courses such as Extreme atmospheres, Conservation and distribution of the Fauna, Cordados Zoology, Medio-Organismos Interaction etc.,
MedicinaOffers Medicine degree, Diplomatura Of Fisioterapia, Diplomatura Of Infirmary.
Mondragón Eskola PoliteknikoaMGEP is a co-operative integrated into both Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa (Mondragón Co-operative Corporation) and Mondragón Unibertsitatea (the University of Mondragón) and is the legal owner of Mondragón Unibertsitatea's Faculty Of Engineering.
Nuclear Physics Group - GFNThe University of Salamanca is one of the oldest universities in Europe, as Bolonia and Paris. Lots of students at both Civil and Catholic universities add colour, rhythm and life to the ancient stones.
Saint Louis UniversityInformation Technology (IT), the vast and growing array of computing and electronic data communications facilities and services, is used daily to create, access, examine, store, and distribute material in multiple media and formats. Information Technology plays an integral part in the fulfillment of Saint Louis University's research, education, and administration.
Septima ArsSeptima Ars was founded in 1992, due to the lack of professional audiovisual specialized schools in Spain.Offer higly specialized courses from the first day, in a concrete profession, to which you can accede without any previous knowledge.Offer absolutely professional equipments to be used by our students during the course.
Suffolk University - Madrid CampusOffers graduate courses sucs as Art, Business and Economics, Commuincations & Journalism, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, English Language and Literature, French, Government, History, Integrated Studies, Jewish Studies, Mathematics and Statistics, Philosophy, Psychology, Science etc.,
TracorThe professionals of stock-market of Use of TRACOR , equipping the students with the abilities and resources necessary to face the labor market successfully.
Trinity College and UniversityThe Trinity College and University is an organization, registered in Dover, Delaware, USA and running its degree programme from Spain. Offers Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate
Universidad Alfonso X El SabioThe University Alfonso X the Wise person, conscious that still a certain inequality of opportunities for the access to university education takes place in Spain, has gathered between its aims the one to help to the diminution of the socioeconomic imbalances causes of such inequality.
Universidad Autónoma de MadridThe Universidad Autónoma of Madrid's main site is the Cantoblanco Campus.Located on the main site are the Rectorate building and the Faculties of Science, Philosophy and Fine Arts, Law, Economic Science and Business Studies, Psychology, Higher School of Computing Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
Universidad Carlos III de MadridThe University Carlos III of Madrid, created in year 1,989 is born with the last objective to serve to the society effective public and of quality, contributing to make cash the right to the education contemplated in our Constitution. It tries to offer a model of integral education, within the unitary and global concept of science and the culture
Universidad Complutense de MadridOffers education through the following faculties such as Faculty of arts and science, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Geology, Faculty of Sociology, Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Psycology, Faculty of Philosophy etc.,
Universidad de AlcalaThe University has added to its time-honoured education in the humanities and social sciences new degree subjects in scientific fields such as health sciences or engineering, spread out across its different sites (the Alcalá Campus, El Encín, and Guadalajara), all of which, together with the Science and Technology Park, are a key factor in our projection abroad, while also acting as a dynamo for activities in our local region
Universidad De AlicanteOffers Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Administration, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Sciences, Polytechnic University College
Universidad de BurgosIncluding Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Economic and Enterprise Sciences, Faculty of Right, Faculty of Humanities and Education
Universidad de CantabriaOffers Administration of Companies, Anatomy and Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology, Science and Engineering of the Land and the Materials, Sciences of the Earth and Fi'sica of the Condensed Matter, Historical Sciences, Medical and Surgical sciences, Sciences and Techniques of Navigation and the Naval Construction etc.,
Universidad de DeustoOffers Law, Philosophy and Arts, Philosophy and Education Sciences, Economics and Business Studies -La Comercial, Theology, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Engineering
Universidad de ExtremaduraIt is always a satisfaction to show someone your house, especially when this is done from a door as important, as large, and as wide open as this one. In this area where the summers are extremely hot, the houses are always opened at night to ventilate them and out of the pleasures of life together and of friendship.
Universidad de GranadaThe University of Granada currently runs 50 degree courses, 22 diploma courses, 132 doctorate programmes and a wide range of courses related to almost every area of knowledge such as Catalogue of qualifications, Doctorate studies, Other courses
Universidad de las Palmas de Gran CanariaIn Spain, the specific degrees have no official recognition. This kind of degree makes possible a variety of studies demanded by some sectors of the social and economic activity that do not find the necessary knowledge and competences in the official degrees.ULPGC Specialist Degree based on official Diplomas. ULPGC Higher Degree Based on official Higher Degrees.
Universidad de LeónOffers Diploma in Social and Legal Sciences, Diploma in Experimental Sciences and of the Health, Diploma in Humanities, Technical engineerings and Engineerings
Universidad de MalagaOffers Undergraduate Studies (“List of Degrees”), Short Courses and Certificates, Postgraduate Studies (PhDs, Research…), Courses for Foreigners, Winter Courses, Summer Courses, C.A.P. (Teachers’ Training Course)
Universidad de NavarraOffers Departments Human, Legal and Social Sciences, Public Communication Classic Philology, Culture and Audiovisual Communication Philosophy, Administrative Law Legal Philosophy, Civil Law Geography and Territorial Order, Constitutional Law History, Labor and Social Security Law History of the Church etc.,
Universidad de Navarra - Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE)A hallmark of the IESE experience is the school's dedication to the individual development of each and every student and participant in our programs.
Universidad de SalamancaIncluding Fac. Bellas Artes, Fac. Biología, Fac. CC Agrarias y Ambientales, Fac. Ciencias, Fac. Ciencias Químicas, Fac. Ciencias Sociales, Fac. Derecho, Fac. Economía y Empresa, Fac. Educación, Fac. Farmacia, Fac. Filología, Fac. Filosofía, Fac. Geografía e Historia
Universidad de SevillaSeville University is a `Public Law' institution, endowed with legal capacity, which carries out its functions, in accordance with the current legislation, autonomously, and to which corresponds the responsibility of providing, as a public service, higher education, through study, teaching and research.
Universidad de ValladolidIncluding Superior Technical school of Architecture, Superior Technical school of Computer science Engineering, Superior Technical school of Engineers of Telecommunication, Superior Technical school of Industrial Engineers, Faculty of Sciences,Faculty of Economic and Enterprise Sciences, Faculty of Right, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Medicine faculty
Universidad de ZaragozaOffer education through Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Faculty of Education
Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaAn initiative of the UPV/EHU in the field of the permanent formation, in which diverse work groups collaborate (Didactic and Scholastic Organization, Materials Hypermediate and Multimedia, Communications Outposts)
Universidad Europea de MadridUEM forms part of Laureate International Universities, the first international universities network, offering a series of international programmes to complete the education and prepare the students for a global environment
Universidad Internacional Menendez PelayoThe Greater School "Quevedo Towers" is a center integrated in the University the International Menéndez Pelayo, that provides lodging to the University Community during the school year.
Universidad Nacional de Educación a DistanciaOffers education through Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Geography and History, Faculty of Psychology
Universidad Politécnica de MadridThe most remote antecedents of the technological studies in Spain, leaving to a side the quatrivium - arithmetical, geometry, astronomy and music, the four liberal arts, base of the technical disciplines, that studied in the monacales Schools
Universidad Pontificia Comillas de MadridOffers Graduated or Engineer Technician, Lawyer or Superior Engineer, Lawyer or Superior Engineer , Doctorate, Programs Masters, Superior Courses, Specialization courseses, Courses of Summer Others
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca en MadridHaving the following faculties such as Faculty of Socialogy, Faculty of Information, Faculty of Politics etc.,
Universidad Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona SpainThe Rovira i Virgili University is an active institution, committed to constructing the future by generating knowledge and training the professionals and citizens who make society progress.
Universidade de Santiago de CompostelaOffers education through the following departments Anatomy and Animal Production, Pathology and Forensic Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Clinical Veterinary Science, Morphological Science, Surgery Dermatology and Ear, Nose and Throat Speciality, Nursing, Dentistry etc.,
Universidade de VigoOffer post graduate courses in Economics, Applied Acoutics, Specialist in Administration Physical Activities and sports in adult life etc.,
Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaOffers education through Faculty of Communications Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting etc.,
Universitat de BarcelonaOffers Biological Anthropology, Astronomy and Meteorology, Cell Biology, Plant Biology, Biomedicine, Homogeneous Catalysis, Colloid and Interface Science and Technology, Earth Sciences, Marine Sciences, Electrochemistry, Science and Technology and Primates and the Origin of Man
Universitat de GironaOfferes various Undergraduate Postgraduate and doctrates courses and is one of the famous university in Russia
Universitat de les Illes BalearsThe success of the university’s adaptation to its cultural and economic surroundings is quite evident: 15,000 students are enrolled in 36 courses taught at the UIB. However, the present university is not rooted so much in tradition as in the change in the economic, social and political context over the last 30 years.
Universitat de LleidaOffers various courses through the following faculties such as Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Political Sciencs, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Literature etc.,
Universitat de ValenciaUniversitat de València is the Valencian higher education institution with the largest most varied degree offer.More than 400 master courses, diplomas, and certificates make up the postgraduate course offer of Universitat de València.
Universitat Jaume IThe Universitat Jaume I offers 26 degrees in the academic year 2004-05, an ample supply that covers almost all the knowledge areas. Also, the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) has two international cycles of engineering studies,
Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaOffers courses such as Artnodes, Channels, Culture & Society, Law & Politics, Business & Economy, Educ. & Psychology, Inf. & Communication and Technology
Universitat Politecnica de ValenciaOffers Agrarian Technology and Mechanisation, Agro-forest Ecosystems, Animal Science, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Statistics and Operational Research, and Quality, Applied Thermodynamics, Architectural Composition, Architectural Constructions, Architectural Heritage etc.,
Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaBarcelona and its architectural model of urban transformation will be the focus of analysis of the Master's Degree in Barcelona Architecture, which is being organised by the UPC Foundation with support from the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat (government) of Catalonia.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Terrassa CampusOffers the course such as Construction Engineering, Industrial Engineering(ESAII), Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile Engineering and Nuclear Engineering
Universitat Pompeu FabraOffers education through Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Translation and Intepretation, Polytechnic School and Computing Studies
Universitat Ramon LlullBased in Barcelona and established in 1990 as a non-profit making University, the aim of the URL is to provide a quality education, focussed on the person, that provides answers to the needs of the society .Its methodology favours the integral education of the person and the domain of the new technologies in order to train future professionals so as to be able to respond to the most demanding responsibilities.
University Miguel Hernandez de ElcheOffers Faculty Of Fine Arts, Faculty Of Experimental Sciences, Faculty Of Social And Law Sciences (Elche), Faculty Of Social And Law Sciences (Orihuela), Faculty Of Medicine, Faculty Of Pharmacy
University of LagunaOffers education through the following faculties Faculty of Beautiful Arts, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Economic and Enterprise Sciences [ Web ], Faculty of Sciences of the Information [ Web ], Faculty of Right [ Web ], Faculty of Education [ Web ], Faculty of Pharmacy [ Web ], Faculty of Philology [ Web ], Faculty of Philosophy [ Web ], Faculty of Physical [ Web ]
University Of The Basque CountryIn its thirty faculties and university schools, placed though the campus of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, we work, study and investigate more tha 50,000 students, 3,500 lectures and a thousand professional staff.

Posted by: Adnan

Education in ITALY

Accademia ItalianaOffers Fashion Design school, Interior and furniture design, Textile design, Graphic design and visual comunication, Windows display, Drawing and painting, Fashion Design school, Interior and product design, Fashion Photography
American University of RomeThe American University of Rome is committed to excellence in education and the promotion of cross-cultural exchange. AUR is dedicated to encouraging academic achievement in its students and offers a curriculum designed to complement our high academic standards and ensure an active-learning environment with small student:faculty ratio.
Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4)CRS4 (Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia) is an interdisciplinary research center developing advanced simulation techniques and applying them, by means of High Performance Computing, to the solution of large scale computational problems, and developing innovative applications in the field of the Information and Communications Technology.
European University InstituteIt carries out research in a European perspective (fundamental research, comparative research and Community research) in history, law, economics, political and social science.Its full-time teaching staff and 330 research students come from all countries of the European Union and further afield. I
Istituto Europeo Study Abroad ProgramAll courses offered at the Institute are taught by a highly qualified international faculty. The Italian courses are taught exclusively in Italian by professors specialized in teaching Italian to foreigners. All other semester courses offered at ISTITUTO EUROPEO are taught in English
Istituto GiordanoA history covering half a century, 20.000 clients and wide international recognition make Istituto Giordano a prestigious partner for companies and their products.
Istituto Guglielmo TagliacarneIt is one of the famous institute in Italy offers various graduate courses in Arts and science, economics etc.,
Istituto Universitario di Architettura di VeneziaOffers Practical theories and of the limbs and the industrial design, department of construction of the architecture, planning department, planning of the architecture
John Cabot UniversityJCU is unique in Italy. Accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association and with American degrees authorized by the State of Delaware and European degrees validated by the University of Wales, the university focuses on student success.
Johns Hopkins University - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Center, is a full-time graduate school that offers the only international relations program in Europe under the American system. offers an interdisciplinary program of studies, with an emphasis on European studies, international economics, politics and history.
Lorenzo de'Medici SchoolThe Lorenzo de Medici school, which opened its doors in 1973, was one of the very first in Florence to specialize in the teaching of Italian as a foreign language. The school-whose students come from all age groups and from all over the world- guarantees a high quality in teaching and in the services provided.
MIB School of ManagementMIB School of Management is a business school with a strong international orientation. It is committed to creating added value in the development of a modern managerial culture from a multidisciplinary perspective.The Executive MBA programme has been specifically developed for managers who need to improve their career opportunities while continuing to work.
NETwork Teledidattico per l'Università OvunqueNETTUNO is today the first and the unique Telematic and Television University using two satellite television channels RAI NETTUNO SAT 1 and RAI NETTUNO SAT 2 and Internet to broadcast its courses and to carry out didactic activities.
Pontifical Athenaeum Regina ApostolorumOffers courses such as Philosohy, Theology, Bioethics, Religious Sciences
Pontifical University of Saint BonaventureThe Papal Theological Faculty S. Bonaventura in Rome confers the academic degrees in Theology: To BACHELOR'S DEGREE (Iº quinquennial cycle of studies: Philosophical biennium and Institutional Three years); B. LICENCE with Specialization in Cristologia, Spiritualità Franciscan Cristocentrica and Francescanesimo (IIº cycle of studies of the duration of two years); C. DOCTORATE (IIIº cycle of the duration of two years).
Scuola Internazionale di GraficaThe Scuola Internazionale di Grafica di Venezia, founded in 1969, is an independent center for the Visual Arts in the heart of Venice. The Scuola’s programs focus on Printmaking and Book-Arts, to Painting and Drawing.
Umbra Instituteproviding an increasingly diversified curriculum that applies the educational resources of the local region (Perugia, Umbria, Tuscany) and Italy and allows students of many disciplines to participate in the program
Università Cà Foscari di VeneziaOffers education through Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Science
Università Commerciale L. BocconiThe University dedicates therefore continues attention to the productive and civil life, in order to support with one knits intellectual and professional formation the innovation and the development of the enterprises and all the Country, placing the culture and science like fundamental base for the renewal and the economic and moral increase of Italy.
Università di CagliariOffers courses such as Architecture, Animal Biology and Ecology, Biology Experiences Them, Inorganic chemistry and Analytics, Surgical, Maternal, Infantile and of sciences of the Images, Citomorfologia, Straight Public and of Social Studies, Economy
Università di CamerinoThe Faculty organizes, program, coordinates and verification the development of the didactic and formative activities; to it they make head the university professors and the investigators.Offers the following faculties such as Architecture, Pharmacy, Jurisprudence, Medicine Veterinary, Sciences and Technologies
Università degli Studi dell'AquilaOffers education through the following faculties such as Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Medicine,Faculty of Science
Università degli Studi di AnconaOffers the following course such as Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, Medicine, Sciences.
Università degli Studi di TorinoOffers courses through the following faculties Agrarian, Economy, Pharmacy, Jurisprudence, Letters and Philosophy, Foreign languages and Literatures, Medicine and Surgery, Medicine Veterinary, Psycology, Sciences of the Formation, Sciences MFN and Political Sciences
Università degli Studi di VeronaIn Verona, at the beginning of the 1950s, a group of Catholic interlectuals established the "Ludovico Antonio Muratori" Free High School of Historical Science together with the magazine "Nova Historia".It was from this group of scholars that the idea of building a University in Verona was created.
Università degli Studi di BariOffers Agrarian, Economy, Pharmacy, Jurisprudence, Letters and Philosophy, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Medicine and Surgery - Bariums, Medicine Veterinary, Sciences of the Formation, Sciences Mat., Fis. and Naturali, Political Sciences
Università degli Studi di BolognaThere are 96 Masters Programmes at the University of Bologna for the academic year 2004/05. Moreover, 30 of these are financed by European social funds yielding the largest and most diversified portfolio of Masters in Italy.
Università degli Studi di FerraraThe University of Ferrara, for quality, dimension and tradition concurs also with the students to participate actively to the search.The University of Ferrara is engaged from always is in the base search, foundation of the acquaintance, is in the applied search, of directed interest for agencies and enterprises.
Università degli Studi di FirenzeOffers Anatomy, Istologia and Legal Medicina, Surgical Medical Critical Area, Preclinical and Clinical, pharmacology, Clinical Fisiopatologia, Gynecology, Perinatologia and Human Riproduzione, Inner Medicine, Odontostomatologia, Patologia and Oncologia Experience them, Pathology Umana and Oncologia, Pediatrics, etc.,
Università degli Studi di GenovaPromote relations with lot of enterprices . Enterprises may apply to this service for: information, assistance, promotion of technological transfer
Università degli Studi di MessinaOffer Under Graduate Bachelor courses such as Economy and Commerce, Bancaria economy, insurance financial institution, Economy of the tourism and the atmosphere, Economy and administration of the enterprises, Business economy, sciences and technologies, Civil engineering, Engineering electronic etc.,
Università degli Studi di MilanoOffers courses such as Biology, Biology and Genetics in Medical Sciences, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Medical Biotechnologies, Inorganic, Metallorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Agricultural, Environmental and Agro-alimentary Economics and Policy, Philosophy, Politics and Law, Physics etc.,
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIOffers Agrarian, Architecture, Economy, Pharmacy, Jurisprudence, Engineering, Letters and philosophy, Medicine and surgery, Medicine veterinary, Biotechnological sciences, Mathematical, physical and natural sciences, political sciences, Sociology
Università degli Studi di PadovaAlong with such universities as Bologna, Paris, Oxford and Cambridge, that of Padua was one of the first to exemplify the idea of a Gymnasium Omnium Disciplinarum - an educational model that can now be seen throughout the world.
Università degli Studi di ParmaOffers education through Faculty of Agrarian Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Engineering, Letter faculty and Philosophy, Medicine faculty and Surgery
Università degli Studi di PerugiaOfferes Agriculture, Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Letters and Philosophy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Education, Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences, Political Science
Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'Offers Human anatomy, Anglistica, Architecture and analysis of the city, Architecture and urban planning for engineering, Limbs and sciences of the show theatre, cinema, television and digital show them, Animal Biology and of the man, Cellular Biology and of the development, Biology vegetable, Cellular biotechnologies and hematology
Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'Offers education through Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Engineering, Letter faculty and Philosophy, Medicine faculty and Surgery, Faculty of Sciences
Università degli Studi di SienaOffers Economics,Jurisprudence, Humanities and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery, Political Science, Pharmacy, Engineering, Humanities and Philosophy at Arezzo, Matematical Sciences, Physical and Natural
Università degli Studi di TrentoOffers Arts and Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Economics, Engineering, Law, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences,Sociology
Università degli Studi di TriesteOffers Architecture, Economy, Pharmacy, Jurisprudence, Engineering, Letters and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery, Psycology, Political Sciences, Sciences of the Formation, Mathematical, physical and natural sciences
Università degli Studi di UrbinoOffers education through Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Jurisprudence, Letter faculty and Philosophy, Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literatures, Faculty of Sciences Acclimatizes them, Faculty of Sciences of the Formation, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Motorie Sciences, Faculty of Political Sciences Faculty of Sociology
Università della TusciaOffer education through the following departments such as Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry,Department of Economics, Department of forest study etc.,
Università di CataniaOffers Agrarian, Architecture, Economics, hilosophy, Literature, Medinc, Sciencd, Mathematics, olitical Science
Università di PalermoConsists of the following faculties such as Faculty of Architecture, Faculty o fEconomics, Faculty of Letter asnd Philosophy, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics Physics and N?atural Science and Faculty of Political Science
Università di PaviaThe development occured duing the history of the University of Pavia in the area of scientific structures such as libraries, laboratories, seminaries and which leads The University of Pavia like institution of search and study to international level.
Università di PisaOffers eduation through Faculty of Agrarian, Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Engineering, Letter faculty and Philosophy, Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literatures, Medicine faculty Veterinary, Medicine faculty and Surgery etc.,
Università di UdineOffers courses such as Science, Mathematics, Economics, MEdicine, Literature and philosophy

Posted by: Adnan

Universities of DENMARK and more about it.....?

Aalborg UniversityAAU conducts teaching and research to the highest level in the fields of Humanities, Engineering, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. In 1995 the Engineering College of Esbjerg became part of Aalborg University. Aalborg University consists of three faculties, each having a number of departments: The Faculty of Humanities, The Faculty of Social Sciences, The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Aarhus School of ArchitectureProvides the following departments of studies Department of Architecture and Aesthetics, Department of Landscape and Urbanism, Department of Architectural Heritage, Department of Design, Department of Architectural Design. Apart from the study units and departments there are a number of special and service departments which offer both optional courses to the students of the school - and „special instruction courses" to the basic courses. No student can enrol in the special departments.
Aarhus School of BusinessGenerate new knowledge subjected to quality reviews and thereby create value for our socio-economic and professional environments,Offer quality programmes so that our graduates become attractive employees on the international labour market,Disseminate knowledge to our socio-economic and professional environments.Have the following departments of study Department of Accounting, Finance and Logistics, Department of Language and Business Communication, Department of Economics, Department of Law, Department of Management and International Business, Department of Marketing, Informatics and Statistics
Aarhus tekniske SkoleATC finds its major field of activity in implementing the national programmes of initial vocational education and training, higher vocational diploma programmes, upper secondary technical education and continuing vocational training. The study programmes range from short-term courses for unskilled workers, over specialised courses for postgraduate engineers to long-term education of craftsmen.
Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University.Offers Physical Oceanography I and II, Chemical Oceanography (6 ECTS), Biological Oceanography (12 ECTS), Marine Geology (4 ECTS), Experimental Design and Data Reporting in Biological Oceanography (4 ECTS), Biological Oceanography II (6 ECTS), Pelagic Processes in Coastal Waters (4.5 ECTS), Biophysical Dynamics of Fjords (4.5 ECTS), Cost-Benefit Analysis and Natural Resource Policy (4.5 ECTS)
Chemistry and Applied Engineering Science, Aalborg University.The education at Aalborg university Esbjerg is research based. The instructors are constantly working on their own research, ensuring that the students receive the latest information in their field. The teaching method at Aalborg University Esbjerg involves not only problem-oriented project work, but also lectures, seminars, and laboratory work.
Civil Engineering Department, Aalborg University.At present the Department of Civil Engineering has 36 employees in technical- administrative as well as scientific positions - including 6 Ph.D. students. The members of the staff are allocated to 4 different departmental groups:Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Dynamics and Mechanics, Physical Geography
Copenhagen Business SchoolCopenhagen Business School has around 14,000 students and an annual intake of around 1,000 exchange students. With this number of students as well as around 400 full-time researchers and around 500 administrative employees, CBS is the one of the 3 largest business school in Northern Europe. Research and study programmes at CBS are organised in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the Faculty of Language, Communication and Cultural Studies. Strategically, CBS primarily focuses on three target areas: Internationalisation, Partnership with the business community, The Learning University
Dalum Technical CollegeAt Dalum Higher Technical College, the performance of the students is very much based on the individual commitment, practical exercises, information research and project work. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology are all major subjects.
Department of Acoustics, Aalborg UniversityThe M. Sc. programme in Acoustics is taught primarily by the staff of the Department of Acoustics. The department is part of the Institute of Electronic Systems. The institute has a scientific staff of 250 and the main research areas are telecommunications, control engineering, speech technology, medical informatics, digital signal processing, image analysis, sensory motor interaction, robotics, distributed systems, personal communication, mathematics, computer science, and acoustics. The Department of Acoustics holds a staff of 13-14 scientific members. Research activities focus on three main areas: Recording and reproduction technique, human sound perception, and computer simulated auditory environments.
Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University.The Division of Geomatics with the research groups Land Management, Cadastral Development, GeoInformatics and GeoInformation & Media Technology. The Division carries on research within registration of real property, legal matters and development, implementation of public policies concerning land use and localized natural resources, digital mapping, surveying, photogrammetry, GIS, GPS and geospatial information and media technology.
Det Nødvendige Seminarium - The Necessary Teacher Training CollegeDNS is an international teacher training college with a learning-by-doing approach. The programme is untraditional and challenging: Study trip to Asia, extensive teaching practice in Africa, social work with youngsters in Denmark. The study part of the education covers many areas, from Social Science, Psychology, Mathematics, English, Danish, Art, Geography, Pedagogy, Didactics, History – and to some extent, these choices will be up to you to decide between, allowing you to fill holes in your current knowledge, or to improve in areas you already have studied in.
DTU - Technical University of DenmarkThe Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is a modern technological university which operates at a high international level in a wide array of activities in fields such as biotechnology, communications technology, nanotechnology and development of technologies for sustainable energy. The University's research and teaching is provided by 15 departments, a number of major independent centres established as joint ventures between DTU and companies and research institutes in the region.
Engineering College of ArhusOffers Information and Communication Technology, Electronics, Architectural Engineering, Civil and Constructional Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Technical Information Technology, Technical Geology, Process Technology, Mechanics, Design and Optimisation, Automation, Process and Energy Systems, Signal Processing and Mathematical Modelling, Electronics and Photonics, Computer Technology and Embedded System, Business and Culture
Engineering College of CopenhagenCopenhagen University College of Engineering is the largest of its kind in Denmark. Copenhagen University College of Engineering offers:Bachelor degrees in Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering, Production engineering, Electronics and Computer engineering, Electrical Power and IT engineering and finally Export engineering. The course is fixed at 3½ years, including a six month-traineeship in a Danish or foreign company. The programme in export engineering takes 4½ years, also including a six month-traineeship in a Danish or foreign company.The college offers bachelor-level post-gratuate courses through the Department of Continuing Education. Finally, the College has an admission course for those who wish to attend engineering studies. The course is an introduction to engineering aimed at those with practical experience.
Haderslev StatsseminariumOffers Danish, English, French, History, Religious education, Social studies, German, Biology, Physics, Geography, Mathematics, Natural science, Creative arts, Domestic science, Needlecraft, Sports, Music
Hans Christian Andersen Center at Odense UniversityAs a unit at the University of Southern Denmark (map Open this link in the window 'new'), this center specializes in research and information on matters related to Hans Christian Andersen.
Hillerød Business College
Ilisimatusarfik - University of GreenlandOffers general and applied linguistics, socio-linguistics, literature theory and analysis, mass media. Main geographical focus: Greenland ,economy, public administration, law, statistics, organization, sociology, political science. Main geographical focus: Greenland and the North Atlantic .
Indoor Environmental Engineering, Aalborg University.At Aalborg University, the new Master of Science programme on Indoor Environmental Engineering is open for foreign students from February 1999. The programme covers the subjects: indoor environment, ventilation and air distribution principles, energy-efficient design of buildings and systems, and life cycle assessment.
Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Aalborg University.The Institute provides teaching and tutoring covering the full range of Mechanics for engineering students enrolled under several curricula offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University. As for all study programs at Aalborg University, the education is based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) concepts. Throughout the engineering curricula, the students work with both “design-oriented” and “problem-oriented” project assignments. The Institute provides teaching and tutoring corresponding to all academic levels of Aalborg University, and include the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering Science.
International Business EconomicsThe IBE-group is a part of Department of Business Studies and the general aim of the activities of the IBE-group is to promote research, education and training in the field of International Business Economics.The research areas of the group are concentrated on four main areas:Globalisation of the economy and the internationalisation of companies and lines of business, International Marketing, Procurement and Supply Chain Management Cultural Analysis, Inter-cultural Management and International Organisational Development, International Entrepreneurship. The group has research projects as well as Ph.D. projects and cooperation with coleagues in Lithuania, Russia, Vietnam, Ghana, Brazil, England and the USA.
Lyngby Business CollegeLyngby Business Academy offers full-time or part-time higher professional education programmes.Full-time Higher Education Programmes. A higher professional education programme at the Business Academy aims at qualifying the student to: independently carry out jobs in commercial, production and service companies. continue his/her studies at a BA (1-1½ years) or (Danish) diploma level.Lyngby Uddannelsescenter teaches the following 4 full-time higher professional education programmes: Marketing Economist (with focus on Marketing), Service Economist (with focus on Service Management, Tourism or Hotel and Restaurant Management),Multimedia Designer (with focus on Communication and IT),Datamatician (with focus on IT)
Lyngby' UddannelsescenterThe business college of Lyngby Uddannelsescenter offers business and IT education of basic and upper secondary level.The business academy of Lyngby Uddannelsescenter offers higher professional education programmes within IT and business at bachelor and diploma levels.The bachelor and diploma programmes are taught in cooperation with CBS (Copenhagen Business School), which provides an efficient research background.The Business Academy offers several of its programmes in English. Both Danish and foreign students attend the English speaking classes.
Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute for Production TechnologyThe Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute for Production Technology is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark, situated at the main campus in Odense.The Institute differs from a traditional university department by combining cross-disciplinary research with mono-cultural research.The main aim of the Institute is to perform research in the development and usage of information technology in manufacturing industry. The centre of gravity of the research lies in the study of large integrated software systems for industrial production.
National Danish School of Social Work in AarhusOffers Psychology, Science, Research and Information Technology, Sociology/The Danish Society, Immigrants/refugees, Statistics, Political Studies, Danish Economy/Labour Market, Social Policy, Housing/Housing Policy, Criminology/Criminal Justice, Legislation, Public Administration, Local Administration and Politcs Education, Social Security, Social Work, Child Care, The Elderly/Social Pensions, The Disabled, Denmark, Environment/Ecology, Management, Vocational Training, Health, Psychiatry, Alcohol/Drugs, Urban and Spatial ,Planning, Danish History, Journals
National Film School of DenmarkThere are four study programmes available: film, TV, scriptwriting and animation directing. The number of students is 96: 60 film students, 6 scriptwriters, 18 TV students and 12 animation directors. All lines of study are 4-year programmes, except the scriptwriting course that lasts 3 years.The school also arranges courses for film and TV professionals from abroad and seminars with the participation of other Nordic countries.The students' final project is a film produced on a professional level and presented to the public on national TV. No diploma or former education is in itself a guarantee of admission.
National Institute for Social EducatorsThe training course at Peter Sabroe Semi­nariet aims at fulfilling the objective of the training of social educators in Denmark which is based on social responsibility engaged by our socii-educational tradition.The National Institute for Social Educators - Peter Sabroe Seminariet is an independent institution for Higher Education in Århus training social educators on a 3.5 years training programme. The training programme has 7 semesters - subjects - Education Studies, Psychology, Social Studied, Health Studies, Activity, Art and Culture, Communication, Organisation and Management.
Odense StudenterFilmklub
Roskilde UniversityRoskilde University is a state university founded in 1972 with the objective of providing research and education at the highest level in the fields of natural science, social science and the humanities. These activities at Roskilde University are organised in ten departments; degrees are offered in a wide range of subjects at Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. levels.Many study programmes are now being offered in English at both undergraduate and graduate levels, thus creating an exciting and inspiring study environment for both Danish students and students coming from abroad.
Royal School of LibrarianshipThe Royal School of Library and Information Science offers courses leading to the qualifications of Bachelor or Master of Library and Information Science, Librarian, Library Assistant, and Doctor of Philosophy. Read about the educational programmes .It is responsible to the Danish Ministry of Cultural Affairs for education, research and development in the field of library and information science (LIS).
Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, TheKVL is the only Danish university specialising in the agricultural and veterinarian area and the only place where veterinarians, agronomists, horticulturists and MSc’s in forestry and agricultural economists are educated. KVL is also one the few universities in Denmark where MSc’s in food science and technology are educated.Research, both basic and applied, is carried out at KVL within natural science, veterinary medicine, domestic animals, environment, agriculture, plant culture, landscape architecture, organic farming, forestry, food and human nutrition.KVL cooperates with a number of Danish institutions, like e.g. government research institutions under the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, the Technical University of Denmark, the University of Copenhagen and Rigshospitalet
School of Business and Economics, Southern Denmark University.Offers a range of interesting degree programmes for both full-time students and part-time students. The full-time subjects include economics, law, journalism and political science. Especially for our foreign students, there are many degree programmes taught in English within the international programmes. The Ph.D. programmes of the Faculty cover all the major research areas. The subject areas are based on wide-ranging research-activities. This research-activity is organized in several departments and centres, which are specialised in different research areas.
Tietgen Business CollegeTietgen Business College wants to maintain its position as a state-of-the-art center of educational qualifications and competence in Denmark. We want our students and course participants to acquire and develop skills that provide them with qualifications needed to perform the various tasks of today’s jobs as well as those of tomorrow. Tietgen Business College wants to strengthen the international aspect and therefore offers several education programs in English. The most recent features of information and communication technology are being integrated. Offers Diploma Courses in Agricultural Management, in Agricultural Economics, in Crop Production and Animal Husbandry, in Horticultural Production and Management, and in Environmental Planning Management are the major activities for Danish students. The diploma courses are further educational programmes of two years duration.
University of AarhusThe university's work - research and teaching - takes place at the departments which are organised into five faculties: The Faculty of Arts, The Faculty of Health Sciences, The Faculty of Social Sciences, The Faculty of Theology and The Faculty of Science. Offers the following faculties for the students Humanities, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Theology, Science, Central administration
University of CopenhagenOffers Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Science. The diversity of academic environments and scientific approaches is the University of Copenhagen's distinguishing feature and strength. Within the shared framework, the University is divided into six academic fields referred to as faculties. The faculties are further divided into institutes and departments acting as the primary workplace for the University's researchers.
University of Southern Denmark (Syddansk Universitet)The University offers a wide range of traditional disciplines as well as a broad selection of business and engineering studies. In recent years the number of options available has been considerably expanded. Examples include the introduction of a very successful Journalism programme in Odense, Information Science in Kolding, and a Mechatronics Engineering programme in Sønderborg. The University is particularly strong in areas such as communication, information technology, and biotechnology. Outstanding research in other areas has also been acknowledged through the establishment of a number of national research centres at the University of Southern Denmark.
Vejlby Agricultural CollegeProvide students with information on the Advanced Diploma in Agriculture Program. ADAP is a 2-year higher education program offered by Denmark’s leading agricultural college. Teaching is conducted in the English language. The education is free for Danish and EU students. Vejlby Agricultural College offers a 2-year International Diploma Course in Agriculture. Teaching language is English, and participants are Danish as well as international students.

Posted by: Adnan

Universities of FINLAND

Abo Akademi UniversityAbo Akademi University is a comprehensive research university with seven faculties spread over three campuses; Abo, Vasa and Jakobstad. Research and teaching activities may be found in humanities, natural sciences, political sciences, chemical engineering, business and administration, theology, education and teachers training as well as social and caring sciences. Offers Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (pages in Swedish only), Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (pages in Swedish only), Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Education (pages in Swedish only), Faculty of Social and Caring Sciences
Department of Information Processing Science (, University of OuluOffers 3D Graphics, Agent Programming, Bachelor Thesis, Case Studies in Software Business, Component-based Software Production, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Computer Systems,Content Creation in New Media, Database Programming in a Web Environment, Data Management Systems,Data Security in Wireless Communication,Data Structures, Digital Image Processing,Electric Commerce, Embedded Software Design, English for Information Processing Science, English for Information Processing Science, EPOC Programming, Formal Methods Seminar, Games and Virtual Environments, Graphic Design, Hypermedia Studies, The Individual as a User of Information Technology, Information Security and the Law, Information Security Management, Information Society etc.,
Espoo-Vantaa Institute of TechnologyThe attractive degree programmes, the modern facilities and laboratories as well as high quality teaching and industry-related education connections, provide an excellent learning environment at Institute of Technology. Offers Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Media Engineering
Haaga Insitute PolytechnicThe Haaga Institute Polytechnic is a private educational institution maintained by the Haaga Institute Foundation. Offers Degree Programme in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management in English at Haaga Institute, Degree Programme in International Business in English at Helsinki School of Business and Malmi School of Business, Degree Programme in Sports and Leisure Management in English at Vierumäki Sports Institute
Helsinki School of Economics and Business AdministrationIt is an independent state institution of university standing and engages in economics and business research and education. It is the largest institution of its kind in Finland with over 4,000 students.Offers high-quality research work in areas of business administration, economics and business communications.Our international education consists of the degree programs (Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Science), the International MBA and Executive MBA Programs and executive education services.
Helsinki University of TechnologyThe university has twelve departments, Research institutes are high quality research units. Offers Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, Advanced Energy Systems, Aerodynamics, Aeronautical Engineering, lumni Relations, AMI Centre, Applied Electronics Laboratory, Applied Geophysics, Applied Thermodynamics, Applying to TKK, Architecture, Auditoriums, Automation and Systems Technology, Automation Technology Laboratory, Automotive Engineering
Institute of Electron OpticsThe EOL facilities are based on the use of seven instruments: Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscope EFTEM, Scanning Electron Microscope SEM, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope FESEM, Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope STEM, Electron Probe Microanalyzer EPMA, X-Ray Diffractometer XRD and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer XRF. These instruments are available for the examination of materials of many kinds, including biological specimens, metals, minerals, semiconductors and ceramics, and are capable of performing a variety of characterization experiments to analyze the chemistry and microstructure of a particular material.
Jyväskylä PolytechnicJyväskylä Polytechnic is one of the most popular polytechnics in Finland. Our strengths include vocationally oriented higher education, workplace-driven learning, a strong international orientation, and close cooperation with working life and business.Degree-granting education includes almost 30 interesting, high-quality degree programmes within seven fields of study.
Lahti PolytechnicOffers Faculty of Business Studies, Faculty of Physical Activity, Institute of Design, Faculty of Music, Faculty of Social and Health Care, Institute of Fine Arts, Faculty of Technology
Lappeenranta University of TechnologyLappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) is a national university of technology and economics, financed by the Ministry of Education. LUT`s areas of strength are related to forest industry and metal clusters, electrical engineering, energy, economics as well as to information and communication technology and expertise in Russia.
MusiikkikasvatusThe Division of Music Education provides tuition and pursues research in the field of music education at the University of Oulu. The students of music education graduate with the degree of Master in Education (KM), majoring in music education, and become qualified for, e.g., music teacher positions in high schools.
North Karelia PolytechnicNorth Karelia Polytechnic is highly dedicated to research and development work. It has an integral role in regional development processes as an active member of different centre of excellence programmes, as well as a conductor of various important projects. In North Karelia Polytechnic we have a strong and international collaborative network, in which we constantly work with new ideas in project preparation, development and realisation.
Satakunta PolytechnicSatakunta Polytechnic is an institution of professional higher education operating around the region of Satakunta in western Finland. It has ten educational units located in Harjavalta, Huittinen, Kankaanpää, Pori and Rauma. In addition, the Polytechnic has two separate research and development units, O'Sata - Centre for Research and Development, and CACE - Centre for Adult and Continuing Education which operate in all five towns. The Polytechnic operates under the administration of the city of Pori.
Sibelius AcademyThe Sibelius Academy is the only music university in Finland and one of the biggest in Europe. In addition to providing the highest education in the field of music, it engages in performance and creative art and research and is committed to the fostering of Finland's musical culture and cultural heritage. It also seeks active collaboration with Finnish society and participates in the development of culture.
South Karelia PolytechnicHave the following faculties: Technology, Business Administration, Health Care and Social Services, Tourism and Hospitality, Fine Arts and Design. We offer 20 degree programmes, the International Programme in Mechanical Engineering being conducted entirely in English. The Programmes in Paper Technology and International Business are mainly taught in English.
Swedish School of Economics and Business AdministrationThe academic degrees offered at Hanken are Doctor, Master and Bachelor of Science in economics and business administration. Some 2 400 students are enrolled in HANKEN’s degree programmes - 200 of them are doctoral students. HANKEN graduates are working not only in Finnish private and public companies but also for leading companies all over the world.Apart from business expertise; languages and cultural understanding are perhaps their best-known trademarks. HANKEN’s basic degree is a four-year full-time Master of Science (Econ.). In the field of professional continuing education HANKEN has offered general as well as customized management training since 1976.
Tampere Institute of TechnologyTampereen ammattikorkeakoulu (TAMK) / Tampere Polytechnic is a multidisciplinary university of applied sciences with a strong industrial and trade focus. It offers Bachelor level degrees in Art and Media, Business Economics and Technology. Two Bachelor degree programmes, BBA in International Business and BEng in Environmental Engineering are taught completely in English. A second-cycle polytechnic degree is offered in Business Administration, and the Teacher Education Centre also offers post-graduate education.
Tampere University of TechnologyThe University has approximately 11 700 students. Of the master’s graduates, 90 per cent were employed at the time of graduation. More statistical information on students can be found here.Approximately 1 800 people work at the University. More than 80 per cent are employed in teaching and research. TUT has three Centres of Excellence in Research, appointed by the Academy of Finland and the Ministry of Education.Signal Processing Research Group (2000-2005),Biomaterials Research Group (2000-2005), Institute of Hydraulics and Automation (2000-2005)
Theatre Academy of FinlandOffers courses with subjects Dramatic theatre. Opera. Operetta/Musical. Ballet/dance. Pantomime/mime. Children's theatre. Puppet theatre. Amateur theatre. Theatre architecture. Circus.
Turku School of Economics and Business AdministrationThe Turku School of Economics and Business Administration (TSEBA) provides research and higher education in the field of business science. The School contacts both basic and applied research, and offers graduate, postgraduate and continuing education. Expert consulting services form an important part of the School's activities.
University of Art and Design HelsinkiThe University of Art and Design Helsinki gives education and pursues research in the fields of design, motion picture, audiovisual communication, art education and arts. Nearly 2600 persons apply to University of Art and Design Helsinki annually, and an average of 9% are accepted as students. A B.A. degree (Arts and Design) takes three years and a M.A. degree (Arts and Design) takes five years.
University of HelsinkiOffers Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences , Faculty of Biosciences , Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of JoensuuIt includes six faculties and nine independent units. The University offers undergraduate and graduate degree in eight different fields: education, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, economics, forestry, theology ,psychology. Offers Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Social Sciences
University of JyväskyläThe University has put a lot of effort into broadening the international dimension of the campus. Today it has student exchange programmes with some 150 universities and research collaborators in several hundreds universities all over the world.Offers Faculty of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences
University of KuopioThe University of Kuopio has an international reputation in the fields of health, environment and well-being, with particular strengths in biotechnology, life sciences and biomedicine. The University's latest fields of expertise are information technology and business administration. The University of Kuopio promotes the quality of life and well-being of the people of the region.
University of LaplandOffers 5 Faculties: Art and Design, Business and Tourism, Education, Law, Social Sciences. 7 Other Units: Arctic Centre, Continuing Education Centre, Department of Research Methodology, Library, Language Centre, Unit for Regional Basic Education, Meri-Lappi Institute (Kemi), Development and Administration
University of OuluVibrant science and learning community of 15,300 students and 3200 staff members.The mission of our university is to advance the education and material well-being of Northern Finland by being a high level international science university of state-of-the-art research.A suitable work environment and excellent research equipment enable research that requires state-of-the-art technology. The outstanding achievements of information technology have created a center of IT technology in the Oulu region. This "Oulu phenomenon" is a constant marvel for visitors from all over the world.
University of TampereThe University of Tampere is multidisciplinary and committed to scientific research and to advanced teaching. The hallmark of the university is sound, diverse research and teaching focussed on society, its economy, administration and culture and on the health and welfare of individuals. Offers Literature and the Arts, Government Studies, Management Studies, Mathematics, Statistics and Philosophy, Music Anthropology, Nursing Science etc.,
University of TurkuThe University of Turku has a strong and internationally distinguished position as a multidisciplinary scientific university. The six faculties and separate institutes, which specialise in a number of different scholarship areas, provide an all-round foundation for high-quality research and training for competent professionals.
University of VaasaThe University of Vaasa is 4 950 students, 390 personnel; four faculties and five different institutes: a research university where we study business, languages, culture and communication, social sciences, and technology. The University works in close cooperation with businesses and the municipality and regional officials in the Vaasa area. Each year the University enrols 700 new students. in 2002, 76% of graduates earning a Master's degree found jobs immediately upon graduation. The University of Vaasa also supports flexible studies within the University as well as within other university-level education in the city of Vaasa, in Finland, and indeed all the universities of the world.

Posted by: Adnan

Universities of AUSTRIA

Austrian Academy of Sciences - Institute for DemographyThe Vienna Institute of Demography has recently been expanded and internationalised. It strives for the combination of scientific excellence with proactive relevance in analysing and projecting demographic trends and in evaluating the social and economic consequences of population ageing. Thus the VID combines innovative methodological work with empirical analysis and communication of scientifically based insights. It gives special attention to the demography of Austria and to European comparative analysis. The Institute is embedded in the structure of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
European Peace UniversityThe EPU program represents a challenge to students both inside and outside the classroom. It facilitates conversations and reflections on the many theoretical and practical issues the world is confronted with today. The EPU provides students with an understanding of peace and conflict in the world that reaches beyond purely academic limits. The EPU's effort has been to create an embryonic experience of what a true transnational culture might be like, respectful of diversity and pluralism, without the constant threat of conflict, but with a permanent need for tolerance, understanding and mutual learning.
Graz University of TechnologyGraz University of Technology is one among the most steeped in tradition institutions of scientific research and teachings in Austria. The core authority DO Graz covers theory and research within the range of the engineering sciences and technical natural sciences.
Institute for Advanced Studies ViennaThe Institute for Advanced Studies is divided into three departments of scientific research plus an IT department: Economics & Finance, Political Science, Sociology, The institute counts approximately 60 scientific employees and 26 administrative employees. About 50 students are presently participating in the postgraduate course programs.
Institute for Tourism and Leisure StudiesOffers doctoral programs in Consumer / tourist behavior, IT & tourism, Adaptive methodology and Corporate Learning and Performance measurement.
Institute of Forest Ecology - BOKUOffers Ecology, Scientific Information Management, Presentation Techniques and Scientific Writing,Excercises in Vegetation Dynamics,Forest Ecosystem Dynamics I, Forest Ecosystem Dynamics II, Ecology of Mountain Forests, Field methods for the examination of forest nutrition, Forest Soils and Mineral Nutrition of Forests, Biogeochemistry of forest ecosystems, Water, Nutrients and Pollutants in Forest Ecosystems etc.,
Karl-Franzens University of GrazOffers Faculty of Catholic Theology Institutes,Faculty of Law Institutes,Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences Institutes, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Institutes, Faculty of Natural Sciences Institutes,Inter disciplinary Departments Range of Studies.
Salzburg CollegeSalzburg College offers you the opportunity to: Live in one of the most beautiful cities of Europe,Study in English with European faculty who will give you personal attention, Learn or perfect a foreign language where it is actually spoken, Integrate classroom study and field experience, Gain professional experience through a business internship, Offers Language and Literature, European Studies, Communication Studies, Business, Art History and Music, Studio Art and Photography, Music Performance
University of Art and Industrial Design, LinzThis is the institute of space and design.The academic programme is organised along the following six subjects:Architectural concepts and design representation techniques, Theory and history of architecture and design, Construction engineering, building construction, building ecology, Urban construction and landscape design, Organisation and management, General art and design studies
University of InnsbruckOffers Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Education Faculty of Humanities 1, Faculty of Humanities 2 (Language and Literature), Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, Faculty of Psychology and Sport Science, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering
University of KlagenfurtKlagenfurt University has been future-oriented and dynamic from the day it was founded. Today it is Carinthia’s leading educational and research institution. It opens out its doors to the whole world and thrives on interculturality and people whose minds know no frontiers.
University of LeobonOffers Process Engineering, Industrial Environmental Protection, Disposal Techniques and Recycling, elective,Metallurgy, Ferrous and Steel Metallurgy, Foundry Engineering, Metal Forming, Heat Engineering, Industrial Economics, Mechanical Engineering, Automation of Plant Machinery and Plants, Plant machinery, Applied Geophysics and Petroleum Geology
University of ViennaDuke Rudolf IV and is therefore one of the oldest universities in Europe. The University is proud of having been the home of several Nobel Prize Laureates.63,000 students from 130 countries are currently enrolled at the University which offers more than 135 Bachelor, Master, Diploma and Doctoral programmes in the fields of study covered by its Faculties.Research and education at the University of Vienna encompasses a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, ranging from theology, jurisprudence, economics, computer science, to the humanities and to the social and natural sciences.
Universität für BodenkulturThe University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, known too by its acronym "BOKU", now comprises 13 departments and four service centres in Vienna, as well as a number of experimental centres around Vienna. The principal university buildings are located in two areas, the Türkenschanze and Muthgasse. At Türkenschanze are located the departments which provide teaching and research and teaching in the agricultural sciences, forestry, wood technology, and landscape architecture and conservation; the departments concerned with food science, biotechnology, land and water management and civil engineering are based at Muthgasse.
Universität SalzburgParis Lodron university is with their over 11.000 studying and about 1,600 woman employees and coworkers in research, teachings and administration the largest educational facility in city and country Salzburg. As a integrativer component of the cultural and economic life it is place of the meeting between instruction and studying, science and public. Offers Catholic-theological faculty, Jurisprudential faculty, Culture & socio-scientific faculty, Scientific faculty, Interfakultaere of specialist areas
Vienna Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education and ResearchPostgraduate Medical Education Postgraduate Medical Education in Austria is handled by the Austrian Medical Society. It offers two main features: Postgraduate courses for foreign medical graduates and the "Postgradueller Universitätslehrgang für medizinische Führungskräfte".Medical Associations hosted by the VMA are Austrian Council on Smoking and Health, Austrian Society of Angiology, Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Austrian Society of Chemotherapy, Austrian Society for Cosmetology and Research of the Skin, Austrian Society of Cytometry, Austrian Society of Nephrologic Care and Dialysis Technology, Austrian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantations etc.,
Vienna University of EconomicsVienna University of Economics and Business Administration established partnerships with a number of renowned universities in Asia. Early in the year, Yonsei University in Korea and Singapore Management University joined our Asian partner universities, and in November Tongji University and Fudan University in Shanghai/China followed.offering a three-year degree program. The Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration has an impressive track record in research.Including not only business and economics, but also formal sciences, law, social sciences and humanities.
Vienna University of TechnologyThe TU offers a wide range of possibilities for studying: At the university's eight faculties (Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation; Faculty of Physics; Faculty of Chemistry; Faculty of Informatics; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Architecture and Regional Planning) students can study from Architecture and Planning up to Chemical Engineering, Technical Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics but also the Secondary School Teacher Accreditations Descriptive Geometry, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Webster University, ViennaWebster University is an American University with a global perspective. Through our international network of campuses, students have the opportunity to study in the U.S., Europe and Asia. The language of instruction is English in all locations, but students also have the opportunity to also learn the language of the country they are studying in.For over 20 years, Webster’s Vienna campus has been providing a high standard of education in Austria, giving students from all over the world the opportunity to experience the benefits of an American education. It is an education with an international focus, with students from over 60 different countries, and faculty from 15 countries. Offers Art, Human Resource Management, International Business, Marketing, Psychology, Business Administration, Art History etc.,

Posted by: Adnan