Thursday, March 6, 2008

Education in SPAIN

CETTUniversity Studies inTourism at The Euht CETT. The Degree in tourism produces professionals specialised in the management of tourist businesses, hostelry and restaurants as well as travel agencies and other undertakings related to the world of tourism and leisure in general.
Colegio Oficial de Medicos de Santa Cruz de TenerifeThis School is a Corporation of Public Right, founded on 1898 that associates and represents the Doctors of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife to guard by the good exercise of the profession, to advise to the Powers Public on the subjects its competition and to defend the professional rights of the Doctors
Departamento de Fisica de la Materia CondensadaOffers General Physics, Experimental techniques in Physics, Mechanics and Waves, Thermodynamics, Experimental Techniques I, Thermal Physics, Dynamics of Systems, Optics, Experimental Techniques II and Optical Processes
Departamento de Tecnología ElectrónicaOffer education through school of Industrial Engineers, school of Engineers of Telecommunication, school of Engineers of Mines, school of Computer science and school of Industrial Technical Engineers
ESADEESADE today is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Its business school appears among those boasting the greatest relevance in Europe and the world, and it is one of the few to have been accredited by the main international assessment institutions
Escuela Superior de Artes y Espectaculos TAIThe TAI School has been training professionals for twenty-nine years, accumulating experience that is embodied in a distinctive teaching style, with internationally recognised prestige.Humanistic and technical training in the ARTS that fosters the student’s creative imagination, cultivating personal expression and unveiling an ORIGINAL AUTHOR.
Facultad de Informática (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)Offers Architecture and Technology of Computer science Systems, Artificial intelligence, Computer science languages and Systems and Software engineering and Mathematical Applied
Institute for Executive Development (IEDE)IEDE´s International MBA represents all you can expect from a programme and from a school of world-wide reputation. Our presence in Latin America since 1994 through our headquarters in Santiago de Chile and our strategic position in the centre of Shanghai represents a new and exclusive MBA offering access to Hispanic-European, Chinese-Asian and Latin American cultural dimensions.
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Canary Island, Spain)Apart from its scientific research, the IAC is also an advanced technology centre, where scientific-technical and other applications of general use are developed in the IAC´s Instrumentation Division.
Laboratorio de Anatomia AnimalOffers courses such as Extreme atmospheres, Conservation and distribution of the Fauna, Cordados Zoology, Medio-Organismos Interaction etc.,
MedicinaOffers Medicine degree, Diplomatura Of Fisioterapia, Diplomatura Of Infirmary.
Mondragón Eskola PoliteknikoaMGEP is a co-operative integrated into both Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa (Mondragón Co-operative Corporation) and Mondragón Unibertsitatea (the University of Mondragón) and is the legal owner of Mondragón Unibertsitatea's Faculty Of Engineering.
Nuclear Physics Group - GFNThe University of Salamanca is one of the oldest universities in Europe, as Bolonia and Paris. Lots of students at both Civil and Catholic universities add colour, rhythm and life to the ancient stones.
Saint Louis UniversityInformation Technology (IT), the vast and growing array of computing and electronic data communications facilities and services, is used daily to create, access, examine, store, and distribute material in multiple media and formats. Information Technology plays an integral part in the fulfillment of Saint Louis University's research, education, and administration.
Septima ArsSeptima Ars was founded in 1992, due to the lack of professional audiovisual specialized schools in Spain.Offer higly specialized courses from the first day, in a concrete profession, to which you can accede without any previous knowledge.Offer absolutely professional equipments to be used by our students during the course.
Suffolk University - Madrid CampusOffers graduate courses sucs as Art, Business and Economics, Commuincations & Journalism, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, English Language and Literature, French, Government, History, Integrated Studies, Jewish Studies, Mathematics and Statistics, Philosophy, Psychology, Science etc.,
TracorThe professionals of stock-market of Use of TRACOR , equipping the students with the abilities and resources necessary to face the labor market successfully.
Trinity College and UniversityThe Trinity College and University is an organization, registered in Dover, Delaware, USA and running its degree programme from Spain. Offers Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate
Universidad Alfonso X El SabioThe University Alfonso X the Wise person, conscious that still a certain inequality of opportunities for the access to university education takes place in Spain, has gathered between its aims the one to help to the diminution of the socioeconomic imbalances causes of such inequality.
Universidad Autónoma de MadridThe Universidad Autónoma of Madrid's main site is the Cantoblanco Campus.Located on the main site are the Rectorate building and the Faculties of Science, Philosophy and Fine Arts, Law, Economic Science and Business Studies, Psychology, Higher School of Computing Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
Universidad Carlos III de MadridThe University Carlos III of Madrid, created in year 1,989 is born with the last objective to serve to the society effective public and of quality, contributing to make cash the right to the education contemplated in our Constitution. It tries to offer a model of integral education, within the unitary and global concept of science and the culture
Universidad Complutense de MadridOffers education through the following faculties such as Faculty of arts and science, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Geology, Faculty of Sociology, Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Psycology, Faculty of Philosophy etc.,
Universidad de AlcalaThe University has added to its time-honoured education in the humanities and social sciences new degree subjects in scientific fields such as health sciences or engineering, spread out across its different sites (the Alcalá Campus, El Encín, and Guadalajara), all of which, together with the Science and Technology Park, are a key factor in our projection abroad, while also acting as a dynamo for activities in our local region
Universidad De AlicanteOffers Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Administration, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Sciences, Polytechnic University College
Universidad de BurgosIncluding Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Economic and Enterprise Sciences, Faculty of Right, Faculty of Humanities and Education
Universidad de CantabriaOffers Administration of Companies, Anatomy and Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology, Science and Engineering of the Land and the Materials, Sciences of the Earth and Fi'sica of the Condensed Matter, Historical Sciences, Medical and Surgical sciences, Sciences and Techniques of Navigation and the Naval Construction etc.,
Universidad de DeustoOffers Law, Philosophy and Arts, Philosophy and Education Sciences, Economics and Business Studies -La Comercial, Theology, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Engineering
Universidad de ExtremaduraIt is always a satisfaction to show someone your house, especially when this is done from a door as important, as large, and as wide open as this one. In this area where the summers are extremely hot, the houses are always opened at night to ventilate them and out of the pleasures of life together and of friendship.
Universidad de GranadaThe University of Granada currently runs 50 degree courses, 22 diploma courses, 132 doctorate programmes and a wide range of courses related to almost every area of knowledge such as Catalogue of qualifications, Doctorate studies, Other courses
Universidad de las Palmas de Gran CanariaIn Spain, the specific degrees have no official recognition. This kind of degree makes possible a variety of studies demanded by some sectors of the social and economic activity that do not find the necessary knowledge and competences in the official degrees.ULPGC Specialist Degree based on official Diplomas. ULPGC Higher Degree Based on official Higher Degrees.
Universidad de LeónOffers Diploma in Social and Legal Sciences, Diploma in Experimental Sciences and of the Health, Diploma in Humanities, Technical engineerings and Engineerings
Universidad de MalagaOffers Undergraduate Studies (“List of Degrees”), Short Courses and Certificates, Postgraduate Studies (PhDs, Research…), Courses for Foreigners, Winter Courses, Summer Courses, C.A.P. (Teachers’ Training Course)
Universidad de NavarraOffers Departments Human, Legal and Social Sciences, Public Communication Classic Philology, Culture and Audiovisual Communication Philosophy, Administrative Law Legal Philosophy, Civil Law Geography and Territorial Order, Constitutional Law History, Labor and Social Security Law History of the Church etc.,
Universidad de Navarra - Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE)A hallmark of the IESE experience is the school's dedication to the individual development of each and every student and participant in our programs.
Universidad de SalamancaIncluding Fac. Bellas Artes, Fac. Biología, Fac. CC Agrarias y Ambientales, Fac. Ciencias, Fac. Ciencias Químicas, Fac. Ciencias Sociales, Fac. Derecho, Fac. Economía y Empresa, Fac. Educación, Fac. Farmacia, Fac. Filología, Fac. Filosofía, Fac. Geografía e Historia
Universidad de SevillaSeville University is a `Public Law' institution, endowed with legal capacity, which carries out its functions, in accordance with the current legislation, autonomously, and to which corresponds the responsibility of providing, as a public service, higher education, through study, teaching and research.
Universidad de ValladolidIncluding Superior Technical school of Architecture, Superior Technical school of Computer science Engineering, Superior Technical school of Engineers of Telecommunication, Superior Technical school of Industrial Engineers, Faculty of Sciences,Faculty of Economic and Enterprise Sciences, Faculty of Right, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Medicine faculty
Universidad de ZaragozaOffer education through Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Faculty of Education
Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaAn initiative of the UPV/EHU in the field of the permanent formation, in which diverse work groups collaborate (Didactic and Scholastic Organization, Materials Hypermediate and Multimedia, Communications Outposts)
Universidad Europea de MadridUEM forms part of Laureate International Universities, the first international universities network, offering a series of international programmes to complete the education and prepare the students for a global environment
Universidad Internacional Menendez PelayoThe Greater School "Quevedo Towers" is a center integrated in the University the International Menéndez Pelayo, that provides lodging to the University Community during the school year.
Universidad Nacional de Educación a DistanciaOffers education through Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Geography and History, Faculty of Psychology
Universidad Politécnica de MadridThe most remote antecedents of the technological studies in Spain, leaving to a side the quatrivium - arithmetical, geometry, astronomy and music, the four liberal arts, base of the technical disciplines, that studied in the monacales Schools
Universidad Pontificia Comillas de MadridOffers Graduated or Engineer Technician, Lawyer or Superior Engineer, Lawyer or Superior Engineer , Doctorate, Programs Masters, Superior Courses, Specialization courseses, Courses of Summer Others
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca en MadridHaving the following faculties such as Faculty of Socialogy, Faculty of Information, Faculty of Politics etc.,
Universidad Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona SpainThe Rovira i Virgili University is an active institution, committed to constructing the future by generating knowledge and training the professionals and citizens who make society progress.
Universidade de Santiago de CompostelaOffers education through the following departments Anatomy and Animal Production, Pathology and Forensic Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Clinical Veterinary Science, Morphological Science, Surgery Dermatology and Ear, Nose and Throat Speciality, Nursing, Dentistry etc.,
Universidade de VigoOffer post graduate courses in Economics, Applied Acoutics, Specialist in Administration Physical Activities and sports in adult life etc.,
Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaOffers education through Faculty of Communications Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting etc.,
Universitat de BarcelonaOffers Biological Anthropology, Astronomy and Meteorology, Cell Biology, Plant Biology, Biomedicine, Homogeneous Catalysis, Colloid and Interface Science and Technology, Earth Sciences, Marine Sciences, Electrochemistry, Science and Technology and Primates and the Origin of Man
Universitat de GironaOfferes various Undergraduate Postgraduate and doctrates courses and is one of the famous university in Russia
Universitat de les Illes BalearsThe success of the university’s adaptation to its cultural and economic surroundings is quite evident: 15,000 students are enrolled in 36 courses taught at the UIB. However, the present university is not rooted so much in tradition as in the change in the economic, social and political context over the last 30 years.
Universitat de LleidaOffers various courses through the following faculties such as Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Political Sciencs, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Literature etc.,
Universitat de ValenciaUniversitat de València is the Valencian higher education institution with the largest most varied degree offer.More than 400 master courses, diplomas, and certificates make up the postgraduate course offer of Universitat de València.
Universitat Jaume IThe Universitat Jaume I offers 26 degrees in the academic year 2004-05, an ample supply that covers almost all the knowledge areas. Also, the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) has two international cycles of engineering studies,
Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaOffers courses such as Artnodes, Channels, Culture & Society, Law & Politics, Business & Economy, Educ. & Psychology, Inf. & Communication and Technology
Universitat Politecnica de ValenciaOffers Agrarian Technology and Mechanisation, Agro-forest Ecosystems, Animal Science, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Statistics and Operational Research, and Quality, Applied Thermodynamics, Architectural Composition, Architectural Constructions, Architectural Heritage etc.,
Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaBarcelona and its architectural model of urban transformation will be the focus of analysis of the Master's Degree in Barcelona Architecture, which is being organised by the UPC Foundation with support from the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat (government) of Catalonia.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Terrassa CampusOffers the course such as Construction Engineering, Industrial Engineering(ESAII), Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile Engineering and Nuclear Engineering
Universitat Pompeu FabraOffers education through Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Translation and Intepretation, Polytechnic School and Computing Studies
Universitat Ramon LlullBased in Barcelona and established in 1990 as a non-profit making University, the aim of the URL is to provide a quality education, focussed on the person, that provides answers to the needs of the society .Its methodology favours the integral education of the person and the domain of the new technologies in order to train future professionals so as to be able to respond to the most demanding responsibilities.
University Miguel Hernandez de ElcheOffers Faculty Of Fine Arts, Faculty Of Experimental Sciences, Faculty Of Social And Law Sciences (Elche), Faculty Of Social And Law Sciences (Orihuela), Faculty Of Medicine, Faculty Of Pharmacy
University of LagunaOffers education through the following faculties Faculty of Beautiful Arts, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Economic and Enterprise Sciences [ Web ], Faculty of Sciences of the Information [ Web ], Faculty of Right [ Web ], Faculty of Education [ Web ], Faculty of Pharmacy [ Web ], Faculty of Philology [ Web ], Faculty of Philosophy [ Web ], Faculty of Physical [ Web ]
University Of The Basque CountryIn its thirty faculties and university schools, placed though the campus of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, we work, study and investigate more tha 50,000 students, 3,500 lectures and a thousand professional staff.

Posted by: Adnan

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